Elleven45 Lounge ruled a public nuisance nearly 3 months after deadly shooting

ATLANTA - Elleven45 lounge is a public nuisance. That ruling was handed down early Friday evening by Fulton County Superior Court Judge Rachelle Carnesale after a two-day hearing during which the lounge’s owner was arrested in court on an unrelated matter.
The city of Atlanta filed an injunction to shut down the Buckhead nightclub naming owner Djibril Dafe; Elleven45 Lounge, LLC; Sovereign Entertainment, Inc.; Ahmed Uwhubetine; Bennett Street Properties, LP; and Wilmington Trust National Association as defendants.
"This court finds there is sufficient evidence that was presented that shows conditions created by Elleven45, which clearly was operating as a nightclub, were in fact a nuisance to those members of the public who came into contact with it regularly when it was open for business," Judge Carnesale told the court.
The judge added that she has no confidence in the owner, Djibril Dafe, being able to remedy ongoing problems, including alcohol being sold to minors, illegal drug sales, traffic congestion, and loud music. She also said that a citation was not enough.
"The evidence is sufficient to convince this court that citation and suspension of licenses is not sufficient to abate this nuisance based on the facts that the business appears to disregard licensing and lease requirements," the judge said. "The court has no confidence that he would modify his business practices based on municipal citation."
Owner of Elleven45 arrested in court
Djibril Dafe, the owner of Elleven45, was placed in handcuffs during hearing on the future of his property on an unrelated warrant. The city of Atlanta wants the lounge to close, calling it a nuisance.
Judge Carnesale also noted that Dafe had been picked up on an unrelated bench warrant during Thursday’s hearing. Dafe was arrested for failing to appear for a May 14 hearing after being charged with identity theft fraud, theft by taking, and theft by deception; the charges followed an incident on April 18, 2022.
That court hearing was scheduled just two days after the deadply Mother’s Day shooting at the lounge which claimed the lives of Marion Crayton and Nicholas Ridley and injured several others. Karanji Reese faces murder and other charges stemming from the deadly shooting. He remains in the Fulton County Jail without bond, awaiting trial.
Elleven45 Lounge shooting surveillance video
The man accused of killing 2 people at a nightclub in Buckhead appears in court. On Friday morning, a police detective explained to the court what their investigation revealed and surveillance video was played. At the conclusion, the judge found probable cause, meaning that the case can proceed to trial.
Atlanta police say video shows Reese bypassing a security checkpoint on May 12. Patrons are then seen fleeing the club at around 2:25 a.m., when police say the shooting occurred.
"It was just complete chaos. There were several people on the ground that appeared to be shot," Atlanta Police Officer Dajuan Walker, one of the first to respond to the shooting call, testified on Thursday.
However, the police say this has not been the only call to the club, as was also revealed during Thursday's hearing.
"From May 2023 to May of 2024, roughly 270 calls for service, about 200 of those were self-initiated where officers were pulling out on traffic stops, directed patrols, or extra jobs at that location, and roughly 70 were 911 calls for service, about 20 alarm calls, as well as dispute calls and theft calls whether it was stolen vehicles or vehicles that were broken into," testified Major Benjamin Vayens, who leads the Zone 2 precinct, in which the nightclub is located.

Djibril Dafe (Fulton County Sheriff's Office)
"The operator has a history of actively avoiding notification of citations," the judge ruled, adding that Dafe has previously taken obfuscating actions "to appear compliant for enough time to avoid legal consequence."
The judge ordered that Elleven45 can no longer hold events, serve patrons, or conduct business at the location. She further ordered that the property owner, Bennett Street Properties, not to allow such activities on the premises. The judge noted that the order extends to any rebranding attempts, even if a restaurant license is obtained.