Steering wheel lock giveaway being held Thursday in southwest Atlanta

As car thefts targeting Kia and Hyundai vehicles surge, the city of Atlanta will be distributing steering wheel locks 

Thursday, Atlanta Police will be handing out those locks at 3050 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive in southwest Atlanta.

"Kia and Hyundai thefts continue to be an issue in our communities," the police department wrote in a release. "We've experienced more than 800 incidents so far this year compared to just over 70 during the same period last year."

The Club locks the steering wheel of a Kia vehicle that has been susceptible to being stolen by viral TikTok videos.

The Club locks the steering wheel of a Kia vehicle that has been susceptible to being stolen by viral TikTok videos. (FOX 5)

The Club will be given away to Atlanta residents from noon to 3 p.m., or until the supply runs out.