Have you seen Tiffany? Jonesboro teen missing for a week

Tiffany Waller (Credit: Clayton County Police Department)

Clayton County police are asking for help searching for a missing 17-year-old girl with multiple diagnoses. A Mattie's Call, Georgia's emergency missing alert for disabled or elderly persons, has since been issued.

Tiffany Waller has been missing for a week. According to police, she was last seen on Feb. 4 just after 2 a.m. in the 1600 block of Hearthstone Court.

Waller was described as standing 5-feet-10-inches tall and weighing about 120 pounds. She has blonde hair and brown eyes and was last seen wearing a black spaghetti-strapped top, shorts and boots.

Waller was diagnosed with depression disorder and ADHD.

Anyone with any information on her whereabouts is encouraged to contact the Clayton County Police Department immediately at 770-477-3550.