Tree slams into 7-year-old's bedroom in Atlanta
ATLANTA - The storms moving through Atlanta on Saturday caused damage around the city, including one house on Knight Court where a tree crashed into a child's bedroom.
A tree fell on a house owned by Chuck Beaumont, who says a considerable amount of damage was done to his 7-year-old son's room: branches fell through the child's room, and debris and pieces of the roof fell on his bed.
"It could have fallen anywhere else in the house. That's the last place I wanted a tree to fall... That's a parent's worst nightmare," Beaumont said.
He calls the ordeal a "miracle," because his son happened to be away from home, that night, spending time on a vacation in Florida.
"I was spared today-- my son wasn't here," he said.
Beaumont tells FOX 5, he is upset because appraisers won't be able to come to his home until Monday, and said he is concerned about more water and storm damage between now and then.