Police: Man wanted for biting Chamblee girl on lips

Police released this photo of a man investigators believe bit an 11-year-old girl on the lip at a Chamblee apartment complex. (Chamblee Police Department)

He bit an 11-year-old girl on her lips, investigators said, and police hope someone knows where he is.

Chamblee police released two photos of the man who goes by the name "Yembi," but his name on Facebook is "Jeovany Hernandez." Investigators describe him as being between 18 and 25 years old with a short haircut and no facial hair.

Police said the man shouted for an 11-year-old girl to come over to him under a gazebo in front of her apartment complex in Chamblee.

The girl told officers she was grabbed aggressively and bit on her lip by the man, causing a laceration.

Police released this photo of a man investigators believe bit an 11-year-old girl on the lip at a Chamblee apartment complex. (Chamblee Police Department)

Police said the man then walked off as if nothing happened and continued to hang out with friends in the area.

Officers responded to the scene and attempted to speak with him, but he ran away.

The man was last seen wearing a maroon jacket with a black hat.

Anyone with information is asked to call Det. C. Donaby at 470-564-0814 or the Chamblee Police Department’s non-emergency number at 770-986-5005.

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