Police: Man smashed into 19 vehicles in downtown

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Atlanta Police say one man smashed 19 car windows during a crime spree at an upscale housing complex in downtown.

It happened on Larkin Place, where loft complexes are located. A resident said her car was parked inside, not on the street, and "there was glass everywhere."

The suspect is Donald Winters. He was able to get away the night of the break-ins but his image was found later on surveillance video. Police circulated the photo and that turned out to be the key when Winters returned to the same are the very next day.

An officer spotted him and Winters was arrested. Police found clothing they say he had on the day before.

In some of those vehicles, the thief got nothing. But Officer Lisa Bender says one motorist left a gun in a car. It was stolen.

Winters has been in and out of jail, with two suburban jurisdictions placing holds on the suspect. A Fulton County judge ordered him held without bond.