Police: Arrest in peeping tom cases dating back 5 years

Peachtree City police said they have busted a “peeping tom.” Officers said they set up a sting and caught him creeping back into his house late at night with a video camera in his hand. And the evidence they found on that camera dates back five years and has officers filing more than two dozen charges against him.

When police arrested Matthew Flesher in the middle of the night they said he was dressed all in black and carrying this video camera. Investigators said the camera would be his undoing and lead to 23 felony counts of Peeping Tom.

“We located numerous videos of his neighbors that were videoed without their knowledge. Inside their homes, through their windows, and that these have been going on since 2011,” said Inv. Tim Pierson, Peachtree City Police

The cases dating back to 2011 happened in Peachtree City's Cedarcroft neighborhood, Matthew Flesher’s own subdivision. Police got a call on New Year's Eve night of a suspicious man dressed in black in the caller’s backyard.

A search turned up no one, but police remembered they had questioned Matthew Flesher about their ongoing Peeping Tom investigation. When they arrived at his house, he wasn’t home. Police said they waited for Flesher to return home. When he did they said he was dressed in black and carrying the camera.

“He came in the back door and he couldn't give a very good explanation of where he was and seemed to be deceptive and evasive in his answers when questioned by officers,” said Inv. Pierson.

Police recommend installing a home camera surveillance system.

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