Suspected drunk burglar caught snoozing in the house

Suspect caught passed out (Credit: Lavonia Police Department)

Lavonia police worked a case that sounds a lot like the story of Goldilocks gone wrong.

A man they identified as "Mr. Pizon" reportedly forced his way into a home while the owners were not around. Once he was inside, police said he stole change out of a jar and used it to buy "copious amounts of adult beverages."

Eventually, they said "Mr. Pizon" passed out on the bedroom floor, allowing the homeowners' parents to catch him red-handed.

Homeowners' parents hold suspect until police arrive (Credit: Lavonia Police Department)

He was arrested for burglary.

"What can we take away from this?" a spokesperson for the Lavonia Police Department posted on social media. "If you do allegedly commit a burglary, don’t allegedly burglarize a residence that is protected by parents who believe in the 2nd Amendment."

"Mr. Pizon" (Credit: Lavonia Police Department)