Itching powder prank affects dozens of Cobb County students

An itching powder prank caused a major disruption at a Cobb County school on Wednesday, sending dozens of students to the nurse’s office and then home.

According to the district’s spokeswoman Donna Lowry, a Campbell Middle School student sprinkled the powder on a few students, causing severe itching. The power was then passed around and affected about 50 students.

Lowry said the bottle of itching powder is “all natural” and doesn't contain any dangerous chemicals, and won't cause lasting effects. The irritation, she said, can be washed away with water.

The “few” students who pulled the prank will be disciplined, according to Lowry. The nature of the disciplinary action is unknown at this time.

Lowry said the school’s principal relayed the following message in a voice call to parents this afternoon: 

"Dear Campbell Middle School Parents,

This is Mr. Tanner with an important announcement about an incident that occurred today.  Unfortunately, we had a student make an extremely poor decision that affected several of our students, especially in the seventh grade.  The student brought a bottle of prank itching powder to school and put the powder on other students, which then transferred to several more students.  The students’ exposure to the powder caused them to experience severe itching, in some cases.  We quickly found the bottle of itching powder, preventing more students from being affected.

This incident caused a disruption to our school day.  We have identified the students who participated in causing this incident and have given them consequences according to the Cobb County School District Code of Conduct.  In addition, I want to assure you that the product used does not cause long-term effects.  In fact, the product description states --quote-- “don't worry about it containing any dangerous chemicals or anything like that as Itching Powder is derived from all natural Rose Hips and it neutralizes when simply washed off with water!” 

Please speak with your student this evening about the seriousness of bringing items like this to school and emphasize to them that bringing these items to school will result in disciplinary consequences.  Thank you for your support and assistance with this issue. 

Jonathan Tanner
Principal, Campbell Middle School " 

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