Gaddy family donates Christmas display proceeds to hospital NICU beds

A Fayette County family is making a huge donation to a neonatal intensive care unit after suffering their own tragedy.

The Gaddy family of Fayette County is donating more than $6,000 to purchase new beds at the NICU at Fayette Piedmont Hospital. They could have kept the money for themselves. But anyone who knows them knows that’s not their style.

Turns out that a lot of people know them, either for their Christmas display at their farm for the last 39 years or for the fire last summer that destroyed nearly four decades of decorations. They became national news.

After the fire, the Gaddy’s said they put in long hours, "but good hours because everything came together and went as smoothly as they possibly could," said Gwen Gaddy.

The Gaddys were desperate for miles of electric wiring and other supplies if the tradition was going to continue. The public, including FOX 5 viewers, came through, in a big way.

Then the obstacle became time. Could the massive drive-thru display be recreated by the traditional opening night of Thanksgiving?

"I think a lot of people wanted to know -- could we do it?" said Mike Gaddy.

Of course, it happened, like a Hallmark movie miracle. And now the Gaddys have the totals on their difficult season.

29,869 cars -- a record attendance

2,558 toys for Toys for Tots -- a record

$20,250 collected for March of Dimes

$6,000 for Piedmont Fayette Hospital NICU

The donation to the Fayette hospital NICU is something they’ve done before after losing a grandchild there at Piedmont Fayette Hospital.

"Our little boy Brady only lived 11 weeks," said Gwen. "That is a cause that is very close to our hearts."