Falcons QB Matt Ryan donating $500K to Atlanta's black community

Falcons quarterback Matt Ryan is giving back to Atlanta's black community.

Ryan has pledged a $500,000 donation to a GoFundMe fundraiser he created aimed at improving the lives of the black community in and around Atlanta. 

Ryan took to social media to share how recent events, such as the deaths of George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery, have inspired him to give back to his community. 

"Last week I made a commitment to listening and learning, and one of the messages that hit home for me was the difference between reacting to a situation and responding to a situation. For far too long I have reacted to social injustice with empathy and silent support but failed to follow through with active support. I feel the time has come to RESPOND. For ALL of us to respond.⠀⠀ ⠀

I see my city hurting, which is why I'm starting a fundraiser to help improve the community for people of color in the city of Atlanta. I'm kicking it off with a $500K donation and am asking you to consider donating as well. Whether big or small, you will be joining me in making a difference.⠀⠀ ⠀

Over the next few weeks/months I’ll be really listening to the needs of the community and working with black business leaders, sports figures, activists and local grassroots organizations to get guidance on how these donations can be most impactful."

Ryan established a fundraising goal of $2 million, with his $500,000 already included. 

The GoFundMe page can be viewed here

Ryan's donation was made as protests continue across the nation following Floyd's death. In Atlanta, a city-wide curfew is in effect nightly through the weekend. 

MORE: Nightly curfew for City of Atlanta through Sunday