Children of fallen metro Atlanta officer get police escort on first days of school

Several police officers helped children of a Fairburn officer killed in a car crash navigate an emotional first day of school.

Law enforcement honored fallen Fairburn Police Department officer Sgt. Jean-Harold Astree's memory by taking his son to school on his first day of first grade and his daughter on her first day of high school.

"It was overwhelming," said Kerry-Ann Astree, his widow. 

Astree, 54, died in a car accident in Douglas County on July 28. Douglas County School System shared photos of law enforcement escorting Astree's first-grade son through the halls of Mason Creek Elementary School in Winston, Georgia.

Photos showed the boy hand-in-hand with a Fairburn police officer. He was greeted in the hallway by several of his father's fellow officers.

"It was unbelievable, it was remarkable," Kerry-Ann said. "To see so many other people show love to my kids in only a way that I thought would be possible between my husband and I."

Douglas County School System shared photos of law enforcement escorting fallen Fairburn Police officer, Jean-Harold Astree's first-grade son through the halls of Mason Creek Elementary School in Winston, Georgia.

Douglas County School System shared photos of law enforcement escorting fallen Fairburn Police officer, Jean-Harold Astree's first-grade son through the halls of Mason Creek Elementary School in Winston, Georgia. (Douglas County School System)

Astree's daughter got the same treatment on her first day at Alexander High School.

Officer Ana McClellan was one of the officers. She was there to make sure his kids know they are loved and because she knows Sgt. Astree would have done the same for her family. 

McClellan reflected on one moment in particular.

"When he grabbed my hand, I just felt a sense of calmness just come over me and it gave me peace," she said. 

A sense of peace for law enforcement and the family they stepped up for.

"I don't think there are enough words to show the level of gratitude that we have," Kerry-Ann said.

"I don't think they're ever going anywhere," Laurali said. "I think they'll be right by our side anytime we need them."

The officers are already planning to attend Laurali's high school graduation.

Astree was honored with a Celebration of Life and a week after being killed in a car accident in Douglas County.

Astree’s patrol vehicle sat in front of police headquarters as a makeshift memorial.

Gov. Brian Kemp has ordered flags at the Gold Dome and in Fulton County to be lowered to half-staff to honor Sgt. Astree.

Astree is also survived by his wife.

Anyone who would like to help the family during this time can do so by donating a meal or making a monetary contribution