Candidates for U.S. Senate seats make closing statements on campaigns

Georgians will be headed to the polls on Tuesday to decide who will fill both U.S. Senate seats. Candidates spent the last day of campaigning making their cases.

Republican Sen. David Perdue, who faces Democrat Jon Ossoff in a close race, greeted about a dozen supporters at a private air terminal in Savannah. He gave brief remarks but did not take questions.

Perdue credited himself and Trump with building a strong economy “before COVID” and accused Democrats of pushing an “onslaught of socialism.”

“There’s no secret who knows how to run this economy and beat COVID and get our economy back to normal again,” Perdue said.

Ossoff, who joined Obama at the Atlanta rally, slammed Republican leadership throughout the pandemic.

“At a moment when we need steady competent leadership, we’re getting nothing but chaos, incompetence, deception and division,” Ossoff said.

That message was echoed by the Rev. Raphael Warnock, the top Democrat in Georgia’s other Senate race — a multicandidate special election for the Senate seat held by Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler, which also includes GOP Rep. Doug Collins.

Warnock quoted the late Georgia congressman and civil rights leader John Lewis, saying, “We’ve got to vote like we’ve never voted before.”