Brookhaven Parks and Recreation director arrested in underage sex sting

The director of Brookhaven's Parks and Recreation Department is in custody after officials say he was arrested in an underage sex sting in Cobb County.

Court records show that Patrick Nalley is being held at the Cobb County Jail charged with enticing a child and obscene internet contact with a child - both felonies.

Officials with the city of Brookhaven say officers arrested Nalley Tuesday after he traveled to meet with a person who he believed was a 14-year-old girl.

According to the city, Nalley allegedly contacted the officer during business hours and was arrested while driving a vehicle owned by the city.

Nalley had been the director of the department for around three months after moving from Virginia, where he had previously been the director of Recreation and Parks of Henrico County and the director of Recreation, Tourism & Cultural Development in Amherst County. The city says he had no prior criminal record and cleared multiple background checks.

According to the Henrico Citizen, Nalley had resigned from his position with the county and escorted from his office after three months on the job due to a "personnel-related reason."

After his arrest, Brookhaven City Manager Christian Sigman said he was "terminated immediately."

"Although we understand the presumption of innocence, we are acting out of an abundance of caution, as our parks and recreation facilities often have hundreds of children and teens recreating or competing in team sports activities during any given summer day," Sigman said. "The safety and comfort of our residents and guests and their families are always our top priority in Brookhaven."

Officials say no other allegations have been made during Nalley's time with the city.

During his first appearance on Wednesday, he was given a $20,000 bond.