You're Going to Hear a Lot About 'Instagram Husbands' Today

It’s very unlikely you’ll be able to avoid a new YouTube skit from The Mystery Hour, the “best and only late night talk show,” in Springfield, Missouri. Titled Instagram Husbands, in its first 15 hours online the near-three-minute clip had racked up over 500,000 views.

Accompanied by a website of the same name the December 8 sketch portrays the plight of men seconded by their other halves to act as “a human selfie stick” for Instagram photos.

Alongside the on-point sketch, the site includes a help section and a guide to‘approaching your wife’ to talk about how hard this role can be on a man.

Real life Instagram Husbands are being encouraged to post their stories using the hashtag #instagramhusband on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or “whatever hell other social media your Instagram Wife uses that you don’t know about.”

Some people recognized the truth of the sketch immediately.