Woman shares touching photo of cousin praying with homeless man

Photo: Aris Billingsley/Facebook 

A woman's picture of a little girl praying with a homeless man has quickly gone viral. 

Facebook user Aris Billingsley said her cousin, Harmony, celebrated her 9th birthday last month. Her birthday wish was not only to celebrate her big day with her entire family, but for all of her loved ones to buy gifts for her to give to people in need.

"So she went to the homeless shelter and passed out gifts and money," Billingsley said. "It's amazing how big her little heart could be!!" 

Billingsley shared a picture of Harmony praying with a homeless man. The image has been shared more than 10,000 times. 

"I just thought I'll share the photo with you guys because it touched me as she touched the man bending over crying!!!" 

Billingsley said the photo was taken on the streets of Chicago.

"Chicago is real," she said. "the love is real, the hate is real, the killing is real and the poverty is real." 

APP USERS: View the viral picture here.