Vandals target Confederate flag in Kennesaw park

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A Confederate flag that typically flies at a small park in Kennesaw has been torn down by vandals twice in less than a week. Thursday night, city workers took the replacement flag down to prevent it from being stolen a third time.

The flag has been controversial for years, but the controversy has grown as racial tensions have escalated across the country since the violence in Charlottesville. Resident Dexter Battle understands why the flag is so controversial.

"It could be symbolic of racism but it could also be symbolic of other people's heritage," said Battle.

Resident Karen Perry said while she personally doesn't like the flag, there's a place for it.

"I don't agree with the confederate flag being flown on homes, I think that represents hatred, but I guess in a park it is part of our history," said Perry.

Reid Jones started a petition to permanently remove the flag.

"It belongs as an educational tool, not as a proud monument. My hope is if we get this removed I'd like to personally deliver the Confederate flag that is currently flying to the museum," said Jones.

The city said due to state law their hands are tied. City Councilwoman Yvette Daniel proposed a resolution to change that, so the decision would be left up to the city, not the state.

"What we're trying to get is the privilege and the right to do it on our level as a municipality," said Daniel.

The council will discuss the resolution Monday night.

If the resolution is passed, it would take a lot of time and effort to amend state law.

"It's a step in the right direction, if you're going to have change, you have to start somewhere," said Daniel.