Transcript of 911 call to Prince's compound

A transcript of the 911 call at 9:43 a.m. Thursday from Prince's Paisley Park compound to the Carver County, Minnesota, Sheriff's Office:
Dispatcher: 911, where is your emergency?
Unidentified Male: Hi there, um, what's the address, here? Yea we need an ambulance right now.
D: OK.
UM: We have someone who is unconscious.
D: OK, what's the address?
UM: Um, we're at Prince's house.
D: OK, does anybody know the address? Is there any mail around that you could look at?
UM: Yea, yea, OK, hold on.
D: OK, your cellphone's not going to tell me where you're at, so I need you to find me an address.
UM: Yea, we have um, yea, we have um, so, yea, um, the person is dead here.
D: OK, get me the address please.
UM: OK, OK, I'm working on it.
D: Concentrate on that.
UM: And the people are just distraught.
D: I understand they are distraught, but —
UM: I'm working on it, I'm working on it.
D: OK, do we know how the person died?
UM: I don't know, I don't know.
D: OK.
UM: Um, so we're, we're in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and we are at the home of Prince.
D: You're in Minneapolis?
UM: Yea, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
D: You're sure you are in Minneapolis?
UM: That's correct.
D: OK, have you found an address yet?
UM: Yea, um, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry I need, I need the address here?
Unidentified Female: 7801.
Unidentified Male: 7801.
D: 7801 what?
UM: Paisley Park, we are at Paisley Park.
D: You're at Paisley Park, OK, that's in Chanhassen. Are you with the person who's ...
UM: Yes, it's Prince.
D: OK.
UM: The person.
D: OK, stay on the line with me.
(phone ringing)
Ridgeview Ambulance dispatcher: Ambulance, Shirley.
D: Carver with the transfer for Paisley Park Studios, 78.
Ambulance dispatcher: Paisley Park Studios, OK.
D: 7801 Audubon Road.
Ambulance dispatcher: OK.
D: We have a person down, not breathing.
Ambulance dispatcher: Down, not breathing.
D: Yup.
UM: He's, he's --
D: We're going to get everybody, go ahead with the transmittal sir.
(Carver County Dispatcher 2 comes on line)
Ambulance dispatcher: Yea, Kayley, this is Shirley at Ridgeview. You can cancel anybody going to Aubudon, confirmed DOA.
Dispatcher 2: OK, thank you.
Ambulance dispatcher: All right, thanks, bye.
Source: Carver County Sheriff's Office.