Touching photo of Clayton County Officer kissing son after coming home from work

Officer Lindsey Robertson has been with the Clayton County Police Department for almost two years, but her morning ritual has never changed. 

Before heading out the door and dedicating her life's work to keeping the community safe, she steals a kiss from her two kids. 

"What gets me through my job is getting home to my children. " Says Officer Robertson. 

She says that her two children, 5-year-old Skyler and 3-year-old Chandler, worry about the dangers of her job. "The children worry. It's hard for a mother to be away from her children, but I love my job."

Law enforcement is in Officer Robertson's blood. She has always wanted to be an officer and, as hard as it is to kiss her babies goodbye, the work she does keeps her motivated. 

"A lot of kisses... and a lot of hugs," that's what Robertson comes home to. 

Thank you for your service, Officer Robertson. 

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