Teens steal disabled woman's car

A metro Atlanta church pulled together to buy a car for a fellow parishioner who is disabled. Then a group of thieves committed a very unholy crime.

Members at New Faith Christian Church in northwest Atlanta pitched in to help Rose Cherry get a car because Bishop E. Devon Phelps couldn't stand to see her struggle to get to church. "I told the congregation we cannot have Cherry riding the bus. We need to come together and get her a car" said Bishop Phelps.

Cherry said she couldn't believe her eyes when she first saw the 2012 Hyundai Accent. "It was sitting there with a big silver bow on it. I thought I had died and gone to heaven, if that's what heaven is like," said Cherry.

Cherry was driving with her friend when she got into a fender bender in southwest Atlanta. When she and her friend got out to check on the damage, they said a group of teens jumped in her car and took off.

"I turned around and the boys was in the car and I said Lord, he's stealing the girl's car," said Leola Stewart who was with Cherry.  

Cherry only had the car about 48 hours before it was stolen. She said the crooks also got away with her wallet, camera and favorite pink cane. She said right now she's just hoping for a miracle.

"I want my car back because it was a blessing from God," said Cherry.

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