Suburban Chicago group 'Pizzas4Patriots' making sure troops enjoy pizza while watching Super Bowl

A suburban Chicago group is once again making sure that our troops overseas can enjoy pizza from home while watching the Super Bowl.
Pizzas4Patriots has shipped 800 pizzas to US Military bases in Bagram and Kabul, Afghanistan. The pizzas will be distributed on Sunday to the troops.
"These combat soldiers -- their average age is 20 1/2 years old," said Mark Evans of Pizzas4Patriots. "Three years ago, they were in high school playing sports, doing theater, getting great grades, and when they did, pizza was a reward for their good efforts. This is a pat on the back saying, 'Great job!'"
The pizzas come from Uno's in the Chicago area.
Since its inception, Elk Grove Village-based Pizzas for Patriots has shipped a million and a half slices to our troops overseas, as well as veteran's hospitals here in the United States.
"Troops that I've met, they say, 'I couldn't believe it. I cried. I felt like I was at home,'" Evans said.
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