Sheriff: Alabama teen missing since 2015 contacts mother

LUVERNE, Ala. (AP) - Law enforcement officials are attempting to locate a missing teen after she contacted her mother Monday. reports ( ) 19-year-old Myra Alissia Freeman has been missing since December 2015.

Crenshaw County Sheriff Mickey Powell says Freeman's mother Vickie Metcalf had video chatted with her daughter on Monday. Metcalf also posted on Facebook that Freeman was safe. Her family didn't know whether she was alive until then.

Powell wouldn't disclose where Freeman is believed to be living. He says the FBI and law enforcement are working to locate her and verify her safety.

A $10,000 reward for information had been issued last April and the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children had listed her as an "endangered runaway" who may have been with an adult man.