Residents demand commissioner resign after calling John Lewis 'racist pig'

Dozens of Gwinnett County residents spoke out at Tuesday’s Gwinnett County Commission meeting, demanding Commissioner Tommy Hunter resign after he called Congressman John Lewis a “racist pig.”

“If he’s an elected official that is supposed to represent the whole district how can he have views like that, how can he spread views like that,” said Gwinnett County resident, Larry Burrell “That is not what we are about here in Gwinnett County.”

The room was packed with residents holding signs that read, “No county for vile men” and “Hunter must go.” Twice during the meeting, the crowd chanted, “Hunter must go, Hunter must go.”

Commissioner Hunter called Congressman Lewis a “racist pig” on his Facebook page after he said he was offended when the congressman said the presidential election of Donald Trump was illegitimate. 

“You have the right to disagree with John Lewis, but what does name calling have to do with it,” said Chairman of the Gwinnett County Democratic Party, Gabe Okoye.

Commissioner Hunter apologized last week and admits he was trying to get the congressman's attention, adding that it does not make it right and he went too far.

Some residents said his apology was not sincere.

“I think it would need to be more than just words, it would need to be actions,” said Gwinnett County resident Leslie Edwin.  “Resign honestly, that’s the best apology there is for this.”

Residents said they would continue to attend county commission meetings, demanding his resignation.

Residents spoke for more than an hour and half Tuesday night. Commissioner Hunter did not make any remarks and when asked for a comment by FOX 5 did not respond.