Political Halloween display causes controversy

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A Halloween display in Marietta is sparking so much controversy and grabbing so much attention, the owner had to add extra security cameras.

Albin Blomkvest says someone even tried to steal the star of the show, a life-sized Donald Trump.

Some say the display on Powers Ferry Road is edgy.  Others say it's offensive and over the top.

"For Halloween, everyone is going to express themselves, but you just take it too far," said Maxx Holman.

Blomkkvest says it's all in good fun, as he walks through the display that includes two large furry spiders, one with a Hillary Clinton mask and the other with a Kim Jung Un mask.  Both are on chains being held by a Donald Trump mannequin.

At night the display is lit up and there's music, with a band of aliens rocking out on the front lawn.

"It's a play on illegal aliens and the border crossing at the same time," said Blomkvest.

Blomkvest says he's had angry people barge through the display and knock on his door. He says others have tried to destroy the display by stealing the Donald Trump mannequin.

Still, he says the reaction isn't as bad as it was a couple of years ago.  In 2016 he had a smaller, similar display just before the election.

"I get a lot more people saying that's awesome now, instead of that's horrible," said Blomkvest.

SEE ALSO: From 2016 -- Halloween display causing people to shake their heads

Christina Bruckner took a good look at it Monday as she was walking by it.  She thought it was funny.

"At least they're not poking fun at religion or poking fun at race, it's just politics and if we can't poke fun at politics we might be a little too sensitive," said Bruckner.