Police: Naked man 'ding-dong-ditches' Birmingham officer

Courtesy: AL.com
UPDATE: According to court records, all charges against Balazik were later dropped after he successfully completed a deferment program.
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) — A man has been accused of ringing an off-duty officer's doorbell and then stealing two golf carts, all while he was nude.
AL.com reports that the police officer's home security video system appears to show a naked 37-year-old Brian Balazik ringing the doorbell outside the officer's Birmingham apartment early Tuesday before running away.
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Birmingham police spokesman Sgt. Bryan Shelton says Balazik stole two golf carts later that morning and broke into a facility in the area.
Balazik has been charged with burglary, theft of property and indecent exposure. It is unclear whether he has an attorney.