Opposition to Georgia's proposed redistricting

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Members of the Georgia Black Caucus took a stand Thursday against a redistricting proposal for metro Atlanta.

Opponents said the new districts would make it harder for Democratic challengers to beat incumbent Republicans.

House Republicans adopted the measure earlier this month along party lines.

The bill is now in the hands of the state senate w here it is expected to pass.

“We have to be the voice for the people and the people are saying no to redistricting. It is not morally nor lawfully,” said Rep. Sandra G. Scott, Vice Chair, Georgia Legislative Black Caucus.

“We think that voters should be able to pick their senators and representatives, not representatives and senators picking their voters,” said Sen. Lester Jackson, Chairman, Georgia Legislative Black Caucus.

Georgia's General Assembly has the Constitutional authority to redraw districts as needed every ten years.

Governor Nathan Deal has not commented on the bill.

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