'No' Vote for LaVista Hills; Tucker to Become City

The votes have been counted: Tucker will become a city, while LaVisita Hills will not.

Some DeKalb County residents hit the polls Tuesday to decide whether or not the two communities should become their own cities.

“Tucker has a history, it has been around 120 years and most people already think we are city,” said 9-year resident Allyson Hepburn who voted in favor of the cityhood.

“Tucker is very stable and nice neighborhood and we want to stay like that,” said 19-year resident Laine Hadgu who also voted in favor.

The proposed cities have caused much debate throughout the area just northeast of Atlanta. Supporters for the LaVista Hills cityhood believe there would be more opportunities for schools and residents.

“I voted ‘Yes’ because I have seen other cities around Atlanta become their own cities,” said Jordan Tritt who supports the cityhood. “I think it is beneficial for us to keep our tax dollars here locally and it benefits us from a safety perspective or commercial development, roads etc.”

Those who oppose the cityhood said its bad policy with big consequences for schools, quality of life and taxes in DeKalb County. DeKalb Strong made up of a group of residents against the proposed cities said they need a solution that addresses the root of the problem not adding extra layers of government.

‪”We do not have enough of a city just a few houses and some grocery stores,” said Michal Schwartz who voted against the LaVista Hills cityhood.  “It is not really a city and I think we would not be taken care of any better than we are right now.”

The vote affected close to 70,000 residents in the LaVista Hills community while Tucker will have a city population of about 33,000.