Nev. soldier surprises family at rodeo

It was a trip to the rodeo that six Nevada children will never forget.

Chief Warrant Officer Glen Spadin worked with his wife to keep his homecoming a big secret.

"I know they've really missed him. And I just wanted to let them know, he's coming home," said wife Maja Spadin.

On Friday night he surprised all of his kids at the Reno Rodeo. The children were shocked and ecstatic to see their father back home.

"God just brought us through everything and it's just so amazing and I'm so thankful to have him back home," said Maja.

The children range in ages from six months to 9-years-old. The Spadins have five girls and one boy.

Spadin was able to come home for the birth of his youngest child, but says he has missed a lot.

"I missed birthdays and holidays and vacations and lots of things. And the kids growing up, learning how to talk, learning how to walk," said Spadin.

Spadin says he will be deployed in 40 days, so he plans to spend the next weeks getting in some good quality family time.

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