National Honeybee Day at The Carter Center

On Saturday morning, March Against Monsanto hosted an event under the moniker Bee Against Monsanto to educate people about the importance of honey bees and the devastation of worldwide bee colony collapse.

Atlanta’s edition, Swarm Freedom Farmer’s Market, led by local group Right to Know Right to Grow, was held at the Carter Center in conjunction with the Freedom Farmers Market

Ashland Kayne, media liaison for Right to Know Right to Grow, believes that “this event is truly going to be something special for Atlanta. Bees are not only vital to our ecosystem, but they are also very much representative of our city’s rich history. Because our city was born again from the ashes of Sherman’s March, Atlanta’s symbol is a phoenix, and like the phoenix, bees represent regeneration. They allow constant rebirth and change. We want to show people how bees are a part of the fabric of Atlanta life.”

A representative from Monsanto said they are collaborating with beekeepers, growers and academics to identify the problems and challenges facing bees to help develop solutions through the Honey Bee Coalition.

Reports of bee colonies declining have been coming out since 2006, but recent studies suggest they are making a comeback. There are differing opinions as to a cause, or if there is a single cause, of what scientists are now call colony collapse disorder.

Kayne pledged that they will continue to hold events like the one on Saturday to educate the public as to the roll bees play in growing organic produce.