Money falling from the sky sparks police investigation

Steven Depolo / Flickr
FOX NEWS - It’s raining money! Pedestrians in Indianapolis were surprised Tuesday when green bills began falling from the sky and collecting on the sidewalk and street.
“I looked up around the buildings to see if anybody had dropped it off as a joke,” Michael Addock, a witness, told Fox59. He added that there was “nobody standing around on top of the building so, it’s just a blessing from above.”
Police investigated the downtown area and found money blowing off a rooftop of a 10-story building. One officer found a couple hundred $1 bills scattered across the roof, including five partial money wrappers that read “Federal Reserve Bank,” Fox59 reports.
The Qdoba restaurant on the bottom floor of the building had reported a robbery last Friday, but it was not known if the bills on the roof were related. Authorities are working to find out where the money came from.