Market 'blown away' by letter from honest 10-year-old

(Courtesy: Candler Park Market / Facebook)

It is a super honest letter that has gone viral for all the right reasons.

Candler Park Market posted a letter reported from a 10-year-old who states four years ago the author of stole a fig newton from the location and was trying to make up for it now. The post said they were "blown away by this display of moral upbringing."

The letter reads:

"Dear Chandler Park Market,

"I'm ten years old and about 4 years ago when I was only 6 I took a fig newton without paying for it. Now I don't want you to think I'm a dishonest persona, because I was little and I didn't really know what I was doing, and now that I am ten I know how wrong it was and I want to let you know that I've [sic] never done anything like that ever again and that I would like to pay you back.

"I'm am [sic] very, very, very sorry.

"This money has come from my alowene [sic] to pay fo [sic] the fig bar."

The post shows a $5 below the letter.

Candler Park Market in their post thanked the residents of Candler Park and Lake Claire for "raising good citizens" and also thanked the child.