Marietta NICU Nurse Surprised, Honored by Patients

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Photo courtesy: Kleenex brand 



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A metro Atlanta nurse, who has made a difference in so many lives, recently received a heartwarming surprise. Renee Hendrix works as a NICU nurse at WellStar Kennestone Hospital in Marietta. For the past 33 years she has been going above and beyond for her patients.

“The NICU is an intensive care, which means our babies are very critical and we don’t know if they are even going to make it through a shift,” said Hendrix. “These parents, they don’t get to take their babies home.”

In honor of Neonatal Nurses Day on Tuesday, Kleenex brand wanted to show this miracle worker how much she's appreciated by the parents and children she has served. It was portrayed through a video called “Tiny Miracles.”

Hendrix was asked to watch a video on an iPad while she was at work and she had no idea why. That video started off with previous patients thanking her for taking such good care of their babies. As she was watching with tears streaming down her face, she was greeted in person by dozens of families she had cared for. They all wanted to say thank you, including many of the babies she had treated. They held up signs of what they looked like as preemies.

"Tiny Miracles" has been viewed more than 1.6 million times. Kleenex said their has been an outpouring of support since the video was published on Tuesday. 

“I feel like if I treat these babies how I would want someone to treat my babies when I’m not there that’s the most important thing,” Hendrix said.

Hendrix keeps in touch with the families once they’ve gone home. She said it’s rewarding to see how they’re progressing.

“Babies that you thought wouldn’t even make it out of here, and just knowing that you had a part of that is just a wonderful feeling.”

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Photos courtesy of Kleenex brand.