Lawrenceville couple charged in 161 metro Atlanta vehicle break-ins

Police have arrested a Lawrenceville man and woman accused of breaking into 161 vehicles at, at least, 42 different locations across metro Atlanta.

Elisha Ross, 25, and Alana Forest, 22, are charged with entering auto, burglary and racketeering.

RELATED: Firefighters plagued by vehicle break-ins

While firefighters were asleep or out on calls, police say, the pair would sneak in the parking lots and break into their vehicles.

“We believe the main thing they were looking for were firearms and any other articles of chance they may find,” a law enforcement officer said.

Police say the pair stole more than 40 guns.

The arrest comes after Cobb County and Smyrna police teamed up to start an investigation that would span more than a dozen counties.

“This is a great example of law enforcement agencies working together, sharing information to get these people arrested and off the street,” a law enforcement officer said.

Police say more charged will likely follow as investigators look into how the duo pulled off the 161 break-ins.

Police say they don't believe the two suspects are a part of a gang, but chose to file the racketeering charge because of the extensive nature of the crimes committed.