Jury deliberations begin in Jamie Hood murder trial

Monday a jury will start deliberating the future of a man accused of killing a police officer and injuring another.

Jamie Hood faces 70 separate charges, including malice murder in the death of Athens-Clarke County Officer Elmer "Buddy" Christian.  Hood is also charged with injuring Officer Tony Howard on March 22, 2011. 

Jurors heard closing arguments Saturday.

District Attorney Ken Mauldin told the jury Hood had talked about killing police officers in retaliation for the death of his brothers at the hands of police.

"He did it because he wanted to kill and his actions have shown that's what he did," Mauldin said. 

Hood, who is representing himself in court, said while he did shoot Christian, he did not intend to kill the officer. 

"They've got me charged with malice murder on Officer Buddy Christian," said Hood.  "I ain't ever seen Buddy Christian in my whole entire life, didn't even know how he looked 'til I seen him on the news, ain't never met the guy.  So I say to myself, 'how can I malice murder a man I ain't never seen?'" 

Hood has maintained throughout the trial that he feared for his life and shot at the officers in self-defense.  He acknowledged, however, that the jury likely has no choice but to hold him responsible for Christian's death.

"I'm not asking y'all to let me go.  I'm not," Hood told the jury.  "How could I?  How could I?  I can't ask you to let me go--might set a bad example if y'all let me go.  So more folks go kill a police--'Jamie got away with it; we can get away with it.' Can't do it." 

Court will resume Monday at 8:30 a.m.  Deliberations should begin around 10:00 a.m. after jury instructions.