Illegal Trash Dumping in south Fulton County
FULTON COUNTY, Ga. - Residents in south Fulton County are fed up after they say people keep dumping their trash on the side of Southwood Road.
"We have had rats now coming in the yard and dogs ripping into it and the smell on the really warm days is horrible," said Sarah Buro whose home sits about 150 feet away from the piles of trash.
Sarah and her husband Sean Buro said on warm or breezy days they cannot be outside because the smell is awful, but that is not the worst part. The piles of garbage have become a safety and health concern.
"With our water system being probably I would say a good 50 yards from where they are dumping, it does concern me quite a bit," said Sean Buro.
Among the trash, household garbage, mattresses, furniture and lots more. Sean and Sarah said they contacted Fulton County Code Enforcement about two months ago and they came out to the property, but nothing was done.
FOX Five's Nathalie Pozo called Fulton County Government, who forwarded her request to Fulton County Police who oversees code enforcement.
Fulton County Police said the property was recently annexed into Union City, but after learning how severe the problem is, they said they want to make sure the problem gets resolved.
FOX 5's video of the trash was forwarded to the Fulton County Police chief who made sure Union City became aware of the problem. Fulton County Police said code enforcement would be out on the property Thursday and they will work together with Union City to get the issue resolved.
"We pay our taxes too, we kind of have a right to live in a sanitary place," said Sarah Buro.