House Republicans back salary bump for next Georgia governor

ATLANTA (AP) - Top Republicans in Georgia want the next governor of Georgia to earn 25 percent more in salary.

A bill filed this week by Rep. Jay Powell of Camilla increases the governor's annual salary to $175,000. The House's budget committee chairman Terry England of Auburn and Majority Caucus Chair Matt Hatchett of Dublin have signed on as co-sponsors.

If lawmakers approve and Gov. Nathan Deal signs the bill, the change would take effect in 2019. Deal, who is limited to two terms, leaves office in 2018. He currently earns $139,339 per year.

The Council of State Governments tracks governors' salaries nationally. The group reported New Jersey and Virginia paid governors $175,000 in 2016.

Five states pay governors more than that, topping out at about $190,000 in Pennsylvania.