Hosea Helps distribute supplies to mothers during Mommy and Me Giveaway

On Saturday, Hosea Helps held their annual "Mommy and Me Giveaway," with the mission of assisting mothers and babies. Mothers were able to obtain necessities such as formula, wipes, baby food, and even bassinets.

The event aimed to address the alarming trend of higher rates of mortality among Black mothers and children compared to their white counterparts. Organizers hope that initiatives like this can provide support and resources to help curb this disparity.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Black women are three to four times more likely to experience a pregnancy-related death than White women. Similarly, Black infants are more than twice as likely to die before their first birthday than White infants.

Hosea Helps, a nonprofit organization, has been committed to helping Atlanta's homeless and low-income families for over 50 years. Their annual "Mommy and Me Giveaway" is just one of many initiatives aimed at providing resources and support to those in need.

This year's Mommy and Me Giveaway sponsors were Yo! Zooma Coffee Company and humanitarian and actor Lou Gossett Jr.