High school students face disciplinary action after Snapchat

A group of students at North Springs Charter High School will face disciplinary action after the school administration learned of a Snapchat conversation that contained inflammatory racial language.

The principal sent a message to parents stating this type of behavior won't be tolerated and also reminded parents of the importance of monitoring their children's social media accounts.

In a message to parents, North Springs Charter High School Principal Scott Hanson, stated Wednesday the school administration was made aware of a group chat that contained inflammatory racial language. He stated school officials immediately opened an investigation and the students involved will face disciplinary action.

News of the chat on Snapchat caught community members by surprise.

"It kind of hurts my heart because the times like this we're going through we need more unity. I can't believe it. I'm in shock," said Ashia Pierre.

It's unknown how many students were involved in the chat. In a message to parents Hanson wrote:

"Over the years, we have worked hard to strengthen our school culture to be inclusive and respectful of all students and we will not stand for any behavior that is to the contrary."

"I think the school is right in disciplining the kids. And I think the parents should know about it. We just all need to do the right thing. I just think using social media to cause harm is bad," said Tony Renzi.

For Pierre, she just wonders what impact this could have on students

"When things like this happen it does make children feel low confidence or going through school even feeling uncomfortable around there peers especially if they feel like they don't fit in. And it also makes parents and us as a big family out here feel uncomfortable for our kids to go to school with that type of energy but this is normally a good school," said Pierre.

The Principal sat down with students in each grade level to talk about what happened and how they could improve the school.