Half a pup has full heart and love of the nation

If you thought you had seen cute before, get ready for cuteness overload.

The adorable bulldog puppy Bonsai just got his stitches out following surgery to amputate his back legs. The pup was born with multiple deformities including half a spine, no pelvis and malformed rear legs (hence the amputation). Needless to say, Bonsai certainly has had a rough start to life but he hasn’t let it get him down.

In new photos uploaded to his Facebook page, Bonsai plays and frolics in his new found freedom, rolling over to show off his belly and stretching out the two legs he still has left.

Bonsai also happens to be the mascot for the International Sacral Agenesis / Caudal Regression Association (a human condition that Bonsai was also born with). A crowd-funding page to help out Bonsai can be found here.

Once again, it appears that we can learn a thing or two about the joys of a life from a happy-go-lucky mutt.

Check out our previous story on Bonsai