Grand jury clears Ga. officer in 2011 shooting death

Union City Police Officer Luther Lewis says that he had no choice when he shot and killed Ariston Waiters.

ATLANTA (AP) - A grand jury has cleared a Union City police officer in the 2011 shooting death of a 19-year-old man.

Local media reported that the decision clearing Officer Luther Lewis came Thursday after two days of witness testimony.

Union City police have said Ariston Waiters was shot in 2011 after he went for an officer's gun. A grand jury previously declined to indict the officer.

Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation reopened the probe into Waiters' death.

Howard thanked Union City police who testified, calling their testimony brave and historic in a statement. But he says the grand jury's decision requires "that we move on from this case."

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