Fulton County judge tosses Atlanta annexation plans

Hundreds of homeowners who thought they were about to become city of Atlanta residents will not be. That is because of judge’s ruling late Thursday.

A Fulton County Superior Court  judge tossed the annexation of at least 13 communities which the city has been providing services for since the beginning of July. Those communities would widen Atlanta’s tax base while receiving benefits from being part of the city.

A source inside Atlanta Mayor Reed’s office told FOX 5’s Morse Diggs the mayor was disappointed with the decision and was set to explore their legal options.

One of those areas considering annexation is the Cottages at Cascade. In May, residents told FOX 5 News they had concerns over plans to join the city.

A 60 percent approval was needed for each community to join the city. The ruling leaves the homeowners in those communities in a legal limbo.

The reason behind the ruling was not immediately known. The plaintiffs in the case plan to hold a press conference Friday at 10:30 a.m.