Fulton County general primary absentee ballot request applications now open for May 21 election

Ballot drop box

Fulton County residents, now is the time to request an absentee ballot if you want to vote in Georgia's second primary election.

The absentee ballot application process has begun for the May 21 general primary that will determine who fills seats in the sheriff's office, the House, the Senate and various commissions and school boards. The portal officially opened on Monday.

What is an absentee ballot?

Absentee ballots are made available for those who are unable to vote in-person. You do not need to provide an excuse in order to make the request.

The ballot will be mailed to you and will need to be returned to the registrar's office before polls close on Election Day, otherwise it will not be counted.

How to request an absentee ballot in Fulton County

Fulton County residents who want to vote by absentee ballot must first make sure they're registered to vote in the county. You can check your status on the Georgia My Voter Page.

An absentee ballot application can then be requested through the Fulton Absentee Portal. You'll have to download the form and fill it out. It can also be accessed through the Fulton Votes App.

Here's what you will need to complete the application:

  • Name and date of the election
  • Voter’s name
  • Valid Georgia Driver's License number, Georgia ID number, or an accepted alternate form of ID
  • Address where the voter is registered
  • Voter’s date of birth
  • Voter’s signature

Completed applications can be hand-delivered or mailed to the Fulton County Department of Registrations and Elections located at 5600 Campbellton Fairburn Road in Fairburn. They can also be emailed to elections.absentee@fultoncountyga.gov. They must be received by the Department of Registrations and Elections by Friday, May 10, 2024.

Registrars are permitted to start mailing absentee ballots to voters on April 22. Those ballots must be completed and returned by 7 p.m. on Election Day, May 21 to be considered.

You can drop your completed ballot off in-person to any Absentee Ballot Drop box located in several Fulton County early voting locations during operating hours from April 29 to May 17. Absentee ballots can also be returned to the Offices of the Department of Registration and Elections. For more information, head to www.fultonelections.com.

What's the difference between the March 12 primary election and the one on May 21 ?

Early voting to decide presidential preferences for the November election has already started.

The last day to request an absentee mail-in ballot for the March 12 primary election was March 1.

The May 21 general primary election will determine who takes over offices at the state and county level.

The general election will be held on Nov. 5, 2024.

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