FEMA teams up with freight companies to move hurricane relief

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Many are trying to find ways to get donations made for hurricane relief to the actual victims.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is working with FEMA and Estes Freight Transportation to dispatch empty trucks where they are needed most.

Workers filled those trucks with supplies and sent them to areas impacted by the recent hurricanes.

One of the staging areas for the trucks is in Atlanta.

Getting it done takes a lot of coordination.

"There's a huge chessboard and people are moving pieces. And making it work so that the, you know all the products and everything can be getting to the people with basic needs, whether it be cots and blankets, water, MREs. Something I didn’t think of was like a baby survival kit, diapers, wipes, formula, and even something silly like you know most of us love our dogs and cats, but if there’s only one sandwich, then you go and now the dog food and cat food is going in there. Just to stabilize the area,” said Gene Sweeney, Estes Express.

Some of the people helping coordinate all of this are U.S. veterans.

The last time FEMA, Estes, and the Army Corps of Engineers worked on an effort like this was after Hurricane Sandy.