FBI: Louisiana man on Most Wanted List may be hiding in Atlanta

Khalid Ahmed Satary (FBI)

The FBI is searching for a man on their most wanted list that may be hiding in the metro Atlanta area.

Officials say 50-year-old laboratory owner Khalid Ahmed Satary was indicted by the United States District Court of the Eastern District of Louisiana in 2019 for various charges.

According to the FBI, Satary, who also goes by Khalio A. Satary, Rocky Satary, and DJ Rock Satary, was charged with conspiracy to commit health care fraud and wire fraud, health care fraud, conspiracy to defraud the United States and to pay and receive illegal health care kickbacks and bribes, and conspiracy to launder monetary instruments.

In November 2022, authorities put out a federal warrant for Satary's arrest for violating his pre-trial release conditions.

Investigators say that Satary has ties to the Atlanta area as well as Houston, Delray Beach, Florida, and Dubai.

If you have any information about Satary, contact your local FBI office.