FBI drug bust takes down 25 people

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Twenty-five people were arrested in a major take down of more than two dozen alleged drug dealers and gun runners in the city of Monroe.

The police department said it was a two-year long multi-state undercover investigation which pulled dangerous weapons and drugs off the streets.

An undercover Monroe police officer told FOX 5 News he put himself in harm’s way to get the evidence.

"You just got to have the confidence. You can go in and do your job. And portray that character that you're playing to purchase those drugs or guns whatever it may be," said the undercover officer.

He was part of a two-year operation in various parts of mostly east Monroe to gather evidence which led to the arrests of 25 people on drugs and weapons charges.

"I believe the indictments and the prosecution will prove out to be drug dealers within the city of Monroe," said Monroe Police Chief Keith Glass.

He said eight indictments spell out the illicit sales of drugs like crack cocaine, marijuana, meth, oxycodone and more as well as black market sales of long guns and pistols.

He said the simultaneous arrests of the 25 suspects Wednesday was achieved with the help of others in law enforcement.

"We had Gwinnett, Barrow, Walton, We had the FBI from Tennessee, Alabama, all over Georgia," said Chief Glass.

He told FOX 5 News the multiple arrests removed drug dealers, drugs, and guns from the streets of the picturesque town of Monroe.

Alexis Weaver who lives near one of the areas where arrests were made told FOX 5 News she left the Atlanta area to escape crime around her home.

"I'm hearing gunshots right at my window, where you used to live, yes," said Weaver.

She said she was glad crime was being removed from her new neighborhood.

Weaver had words of encouragement for police.

"Keep up the good work with getting the drugs off the street, make a better neighborhood to stay, you know what I'm saying," said Weaver.

Monroe Police Chief Glass told FOX 5 News seven other suspects were arrested last November as part of the same operation.

He said three suspects remain on the loose.