Family spokesperson: Officer who shot teen loses certification

The police officer who shot and killed a teenager in Fulton County has lost his certification, according to a spokesperson for the teen's family.

"We felt like Mr. Lewis is an unstable individual that is unfit of having a badge," said Marcus Coleman, who represents the family of Ariston Waiters.

Former Union City Officer Luther Lewis shot Waiters in December 2011.  Lewis responded to a call about a large fight and stopped Waiters.  Officer Lewis claimed Waiters reached for Lewis's gun and that was why he had to fire his weapon.  Some witnesses, however, have disputed that account. 

Two separate Fulton County Grand Juries decided not to indict Lewis in the shooting. 

According to Coleman, Georgia Peace Officer Standards And Training Council Executive Director Ken Vance, asked the council to revoke the officer's POST certification because he said Lewis failed to disclose the shooting when applying for a job as an officer in Savannah.

"It's strange--beyond strange-- to me that an officer applying for a job or a former officer applying for a job in law enforcement would not even mention the fact that he was involved in this fatal shooting that he was cleared of," Coleman said. 

A representative for POST could not provide details about Lewis's certification, citing a ten day waiting period.

The decision, Coleman stressed, will not bring Waiters back, but he hopes it could impact a federal review of the case.