Family searches for kidney donor for father

A Covington pastor is receiving a new kidney after his family took to social media to find an organ donor in September.

Reverend Tim Walden has been living with diabetes since he was 5-years-old. Two years ago, doctors determined his kidneys were starting to fail.

Walden says his church congregation and his family are full of support. They started a Facebook page titled "Our Dad Pastor Tim Walden Needs A Kidney."

As of Monday, more than 100 people have liked the page.

Walden has been on the donor list at Emory for nearly two years and doctors say it could be even longer before they find a positive blood match.

"We know the blessing is coming, we're just waiting for it to get here," said Walden.

Pastor Walden is searching for a donor with an A-positive blood match. If you can help in anyway, contact Walden on his Facebook page.