Eatonton girl who battled brain cancer back in the hospital

One of Eatonton's bravest residents is in need of prayers this week! 

Cadence Fox, who won her battle against brain cancer last year, is back in the hospital after having her appendix removed Tuesday evening. 

According to her mother, Tara Fox, the 10-year-old started feeling sick on Monday with pain and nausea. She was taken to Scottish Rite and learned her appendix needed to come out. 

"As if chemo and radiation for two brain tumors wasn't enough," Fox said on Facebook. "Please keep her in your prayers, she is a little nervous."

Fox said early Wednesday morning on Facebook that the surgery went well and Cadence is doing great. 

In May 2014, doctors discovered a mass on Cadence's pituitary gland and her parents rushed her to the hospital. Fox previously told us her daughter had two germinoma cancer tumors on her brain.

Cadence's treatment consisted of four rounds of chemotherapy and six weeks of radiation. In December, Cadence went in for an MRI and learned something her family had been hoping and praying to hear for quite some time: she was cancer free. 

"Just got the phone call and Cadence Fox's scans are CLEAR!!" Tara Fox said last December. "We are in remission. Thank you for your love and support throughout all this.

Fox said her family couldn't stop smiling after learning the news and it brought tears to Cadence's eyes. 

"She even told me 'we won this battle mama,'" Fox said. 

To follow updates on Cadence's journey and fight against cancer, click here