Easy ways to get more active, boost your heart health

Finding the time to get in a daily workout can be challenging.

Still, the American Heart Association says it doesn't have to be if you can find a way to move more throughout your day.

"It's really important for people to be active," Metro Atlanta American Heart Association Executive Director Kristin Kyle says. "Humans were meant to move."

If you haven't moved in a while, Kyle says, start with baby steps.

Focus on finding ways to move more throughout your day.

The average American takes about 5,000 to 7,000 steps a day.

"American Heart Association recommends about 12,000 steps a day," Kyle says. "You would be surprised about how much those little things will add up into big differences."

Shoot for getting at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise at least 5 or 6 days a week.

"It's whatever works for you," Kyle says. "Some people really want to work out in the morning, or get a walk in because they know they will get it done no matter what."

If you're not a morning person, try getting in some exercise on your lunch hour, or after work.

As we head into fall, Kyle says, take advantage of the cooler temperatures to get outside.

If you're stuck at your desk and can't get away, take a break every hour or so.

"Take 5 minutes to get up, walk around, and stretch, Kyle says. "Not only is it going to loosen your body and do something from a physical perspective, but it's also helping you mentally, as you're going through your day."

Walking is the easiest, most accessible way to get some physical activity.

Kyle says look for opportunities to walk more.

Take a walk with your partner or spouse or a friend, Kyle says.

Or, she says, leash up your dog and hit the streets together.

If you spend a lot of time on your phone, get up and move around while you're talking.

Kyle says take the stairs.

The more you move, she says, the better you'll start to feel.

"So we encourage people to take those small steps," Kyle says. "Usually, they'll say, 'Okay, I'm feeling better, I can maybe do a little bit more.’ Then, you have that 'flywheel effect' that really helps."