Driver, passenger in blue Mercedes charged for shooting airsoft gun at metro Atlanta pedestrians

Two people are facing charges after shooting a pellet gun at pedestrians near Deering Road and Loring Drive on Aug. 3.

Atlanta Police say they were dispatched to the area at around 11:17 a.m. after they were contacted. While canvassing the area, an officer saw a blue Mercedes being driven while the passenger stood through the sunroof, pointing a "red rifle," which was later discovered to be an airsoft gun, at a fleeing pedestrian.

The officer stopped the vehicle and detained both occupants without incident. The driver was taken into custody and charged with multiple traffic violations and aggravated assault.

The passenger was charged with not wearing a seatbelt and aggravated assault.

SIMILAR STORY: Man arrested after pointing airsoft rifle at drivers, police say

Police also recovered three guns and three airsoft guns from the Mercedes.

Two people received non-life-threatening injuries during the incident.

The driver and passenger have not been identified by the police.